Audesse – Made in Ontario

By |2023-03-16T08:35:24-04:00January 20th, 2021|

IntroductionWant to support your local business? Now you can! Audesse is certified as an Ontario Made product.Buying Ontario Made products supports these companies and their workers. This helps grow the economy which feeds money back into the services we as Ontarians rely on, like schools, roads, and health care. It’s time for us to stand [...]

5G Project with OCE

By |2022-11-14T11:02:58-05:00January 11th, 2021|

Introduction - ENCQOR 5G Project We are happy to announce our partnership with The Ontario Centres of Excellence. Through this project, our upgraded technology will make your wireless applications more robust, with wider coverage and additional features. Audesse will be integrating a 5G modem into our FlexCase as well as improving our data pipeline. [...]

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