Home Forums Software Digital Output(Do) Feedback

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    • rushikeshkalerushikeshkale
      Post count: 1

      * While the using DO pin feedback for detecting short to power/Pin short to ground,
      we found following observation
      For HSO11 pin of FlexCaseE
      1) PTG2 configured as output and PTC10 as input, where both the pins are connected to the same VCU pin J1-L1, So we are expecting that if we set the PTG2 High and the J1_L1 get shorted to Ground then we should get zero in feedback which is read by PTC10. Instead on shorting(J1_L1) with ground the VCU get On-OFF.
      The same thing was observed for LSO pin while short with Power.
      * For detecting the Pin is short to ground/power, do you have simulink model for the same or any document which show how to carried out with Do feedback.

    • AmirFAmirF
      Post count: 26

      Hi Rushikeshkale,

      Please see the guide on HSO feedback for details on how feedback channel works with HSO.

      1) PTG2 configured as output and PTC10 as input, where both the pins are connected to the same VCU pin J1-L1, So we are expecting that if we set the PTG2 High and the J1_L1 get shorted to Ground then we should get zero in feedback which is read by PTC10. Instead on shorting(J1_L1) with ground the VCU get On-OFF.

      You can set PTG2 as PWM output and PTC10 as ADC input. These two pins are not directly connected. SO, when J1-L1 gets shorted to GND, there will be a ~3V measured on PTC10.

      Please make sure that VBATT stays above 9V in the event of a short circuit on HSO11 because a voltage drop on VBATT can cause a reset in the VCU.


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