Home Forums Software FCG Setup

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    • mobinamahmoodzadehmobinamahmoodzadeh
      Post count: 3


      I’ve set up my FCG and installed all the necessary requirements. However, when I try to build any model in Simulink (including Audesse examples, Toolbox examples, and BL_IMU_SAMPLE_344_SlX), I encounter the attached error. Notably, all the binary files are generated successfully before the error occurs, and I’m able to flash the FCG through FlexCaseFlash without issues. This error doesn’t seem to make sense to me. Could you help me troubleshoot this?

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    • AmirFAmirF
      Post count: 26

      Hi Mobina,

      Every time you build the code, Simulink tries to upload the generated files directly to the specified hardware(S32K3 in this case). So, this is an expected message, as Simulink can’t find the MCU, because this needs a direct connection to the MCU or some sort of onboard debugger. You are using another method to flash your binary files to the MCU over CAN using the FlexCase Flash software.
      So, please ignore this message and select “abort” every time it pops up.

      • This reply was modified 3 months, 2 weeks ago by AmirFAmirF.
      • mobinamahmoodzadehmobinamahmoodzadeh
        Post count: 3

        Thank you, Amir.

        I have one more question regarding VirtualHere. When I connect to the board via Ethernet, as I do with FCS, the VirtualHere doesn’t recognize the FCG. Am I missing something?

    • AmirFAmirF
      Post count: 26

      Hi Mobina,

      FCG doesn’t support virtual here.
      You can have virtual here only on FCS controllers.

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