Home Forums Hardware How to Disable Wake on CAN for Flex Case E ?

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    • kanteshbondlakanteshbondla
      Post count: 15

      Hello There, Greetings of the day.

      We are trying to disable CAN wake for Flex Case E because the Flex Case remains ON regardless of whether the IGN pin is connected. Our requirement is to wake up the VCU only when the IGN pin is connected to power.
      Based on the Flex Case E datasheet, we developed software to control the PTG16 and PTG19 pins to disable CAN wake. Here are the steps we followed after powering up the VCU:

      1) Set PTG16 to High.
      2) Toggle PTG19 from low to high (50ms) and back to low.

      Despite following these steps, we are unable to enter sleep mode. Please assist us in disabling CAN wake.

    • ConnorConnor
      Post count: 31


      Thanks for reaching out to us.

      We will test the steps and get back to you with a solution as soon as possible.

    • ConnorConnor
      Post count: 31

      Hello Kantesh,

      Please find the attached steps below:

      1. Set “EN_Can4” high
      2. Toggle “CAN4_STB” to high then low.
      3. toggle EN_Lin high then low.

      Give every step at least 100 ms.

      This step will disable CAN Wake. Let me know for any further queries.


      • kanteshbondlakanteshbondla
        Post count: 15

        Hello Sandeep,

        I am Facing a problem with freemaster over Peak CAN, I have done the configuration for CAN1 & CAN2. On default hardware settings from nxp for CAN0 & CAN4, I am able use freemaster over peak CAN over CAN0 but not for CAN2. There are some pins configured in default config like CAN0_EN, CAN0_STB & CAN0_ERRN are configured, As per this i serached for more & than got to know that these pins enable CAN transreciever, So i need to Know the same about pins for CAN1 & CAN2. which pins enable CAN1 & CAN2 transreceiver. Because not enabling these pins would not let me use CAN2 for freemaster. I have attached a png for your reference. Provide a Document or schematic for flex Case E.

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      • ConnorConnor
        Post count: 31

        This is not related to disabling wake-on-CAN, please see this thread instead:

    • kanteshbondlakanteshbondla
      Post count: 15

      Hello Sandeep,
      Thanks for the prompt reply.

      1) For Setting “EN_Can4” as high, we are using PTG16 pin
      2) For Toggling “CAN4_STB” to high then low, we are using PTG19
      3) Which pin should we use to toggle “EN_Lin” as high then low ?

    • ConnorConnor
      Post count: 31

      Hello Kantesh,

      Please use the PTB19 for the EN_Lin.


    • kanteshbondlakanteshbondla
      Post count: 15

      Hello Sandeep,
      Thanks for the support, Its working as expected now. We can close this topic.

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