Home Forums Software Unlocking the bootloader on FlexCase E with Red Beet

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    • kanteshbondlakanteshbondla
      Post count: 15

      Hello There, Greetings of the day.

      We are currently using the FlexCase E with a Red Beet unit. In this VCU (S32K344), we can flash the application software via CAN 2, but we are unable to flash it using JTAG, seems like bootloader is locked. What software/hardware modifications are needed to enable flashing the application software via JTAG?


    • AmirFAmirF
      Post count: 26

      Hi Kantesh. May I ask what are trying to achieve with JTAG flashing? And why aren’t you using flash over CAN?
      In general, you won’t be able to flash over JTAG on FCE2.1, unless you have a special development board to do it.


      • kanteshbondlakanteshbondla
        Post count: 15

        Hi Amir,

        We’re working on integrating the DC charging software into the VCU. The code is quite extensive, with numerous variables, structures, and sequences to manage for the DC charging process. Currently, we’re using the free master tool for testing, but it isn’t meeting our needs. We require step-by-step testing in the S32 Design Studio, which necessitates flashing over JTAG

        • This reply was modified 4 months, 3 weeks ago by kanteshbondlakanteshbondla.
    • AmirFAmirF
      Post count: 26

      Thanks for the clarification. Unfortunately, because of ASIL safety features JTAG flashing is disabled by default on FCE2.1 boards. Please get in touch with us directly to discuss this matter further.

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